Director: Lynnetta Rollinson
It is or mission to: Exalt the love of Christ by Educating and Training the world through the word of God. Which will Equip us to live Godly and Faithfully serve one another. This will then help us to Evangelize with commitment and power to win the unsaved to Christ and Extend ourselves into the community to share the love of Christ to all.
Mission/Vision Statement – To set the atmosphere for praise and worship and to ushers in the presence of the Holy Spirit as we enter into worship. To minister not only to the congregation, but outside the walls of the church.
We meet every 1st, 3rd & 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00PM.

Mission/Vision Statement – To exalt God by utilizing our musical gift to sing His praises and tell of His salvation, goodness and love through songs. Our goal is that our songs are pleasing to God, and that they will mellow the hearts of the unsaved (especially young people).
We meet the two Wednesdays before the 3rd Sunday at 7:00PM.
Mission/Vision Statement – The Media Ministry provides audio, visual, and electronic media support for all services held at New Mission. The Media staff records, and edits and prepares material for CD sales, pod casts and teaching material. The Media team members are technically trained and dedicated to ensuring that every service is provided with excellent sound and recording.

Mission/Vision Statement – A group of little people who desire to praise God by lifting their voices in song, while showing respect for God’s house, themselves, their peers and the adults who invest time in training and nurturing them; Children who ultimately understand the God they sing about in song.
We meet the 3rd and 4th Tuesday of every month at 6:00PM.
Mission/Vision Statement – We are a group of Christian men coming together to spread God’s word through song. Our purpose is to proclaim boldly and uplift the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior in deed, word, and song.
We meet the Saturday before the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 12:00PM .

Mission/Vision Statement – To spread the gospel through our feet and the ministry of movement (dance, mime, step and signing).
*Praise dance is open to ages 3 and up & Step ages 6 and up*
We meet Mondays from 6:00PM-8:30PM for Children and Adults Praise Dance.
We meet Saturdays from 1:00PM-5:00PM for Small Soldiers and Anointed Soles.
Mission/Vision Statement – To serve the Pastor, church and community by providing aid and protection to those in need. It is our goal to do out reach within the community while serving the needs of the church body.
*All members must have CPR and First Aid Training*
We meet the third Saturday of each month.

Mission/Vision Statement – To give praises to God, to encourage others, to lead church into worship singing songs of Zion that will lead souls to Christ and to uplift God. To always be ready to assist our Pastor in outings.
We meet the 1st and 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:00PM.
Mission/Vision Statement – To be a reflection of God’s love and with God’s help to serve our church and our Pastor by showing Christianity, courtesy, promptness and discipline at all times.
We meet the 1st Saturday of each month at 12:00PM.