Director: Reverend Kenny Jones
It is or mission to: Exalt the love of Christ by Educating and Training the world through the word of God. Which will Equip us to live Godly and Faithfully serve one another. This will then help us to Evangelize with commitment and power to win the unsaved to Christ and Extend ourselves into the community to share the love of Christ to all.
Mission/Vision Statement
To provide the less fortunate with the basic necessities of life. This includes, but is not limited to; food, clothing, and toiletries. With prayer and encouragement, we expect to see positive changes within their lives and in turn become productive citizens. Our goal is to show love through giving, following the example of Christ so that all may be saved.
We meet every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:00AM–1:00PM.

To spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to any and all that are incarcerated.
*You must be able to pass a police background check and never have been incarcerated to participate in this ministry.*
We meet Every 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sunday of the month.