Director: Reverend Amiel Brown
It is or mission to: Exalt the love of Christ by Educating and Training the world through the word of God. Which will Equip us to live Godly and Faithfully serve one another. This will then help us to Evangelize with commitment and power to win the unsaved to Christ and Extend ourselves into the community to share the love of Christ to all.
Mission/Vision Statement – To exalt Christ by educating the youth of Children’s Church with the word of God-which will equip them to live Godly by learning the teachings of the word of God–then Evangelize to bring all to Christ by the power of God. We prepare the youth to preach, teach, and praise God.
We meet Tuesdays at 6:00PM.

Mission/Vision Statement – To evangelize the unsaved, equip & educate the saints through education.
Classes are held each Sunday morning from 9:30-10:30AM.
Teachers meetings are Tuesdays at 7:00PM.
Mission/Vision Statement – To promote insight, awareness, and understanding of African-American history, heritage and culture. Our mission is to educate, enhance, and empower people by acknowledging the contributions of African-American people in U.S. history and those Africans in the bible.
We meet The first Friday of each month at 5:30PM.

Mission/Vision Statement – To encourage and assist students in attending institutions of higher learning by providing scholarships and assistance to our students seeking to further their education.
We meet the second Monday of each month at 6:00PM.